In this week’s issue:

  • The Odessan

    •April 8 Voting Guide: Odessa Fire bond issue, Countywide 911 sales tax issue, Bates City mayor and alderman races

    •Odessa and Wellington-Napoleon Spring Sports Preview

    •Sample ballots, April 8 election

    •County officials in limbo as ruling puts classification in question

    •City of Odessa approves annual budget

    •Downtown Inc. group to become Downtown Collective, meet Tuesday

    •Community calendar

    •Bulldogs named to All-MRVC West teams, and more Odessa High School sports

    •Tigers win season opener, and more Wellington-Napoleon High School sports

    And more

  • Focus on Oak Grove

    •Voting Guide: Candidates for alderman for Oak Grove Ward Three

    •Oak Grove High School spring sports preview

    •Sample ballots, April 8 election

    •Barnett retiring as Sni Valley Fire Chief

    •US Insurance now MGB

    •OGHS awards academic letters

    •Aquatic center rates increasing

    •Chamber hears levy information

    •Community calendar

    And more

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The Odessan

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Focus on Oak Grove

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Sports Time Out

Our City Guides

  • Odessa City Guide

    A free, 86-page guide to Odessa city government, community organizations, local businesses and schools.

  • Oak Grove City Guide

    A free, 56-page guide to Oak Grove city government, community organizations, local businesses and schools.

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